Course: Art 324 Web Design
Term: Fall 2018
Instructor: Lisa Moline
Project: Research Collaboration, "Eco Brazil"
As part of a collaborative team, we created a website that delivers well-organized, well-designed content. The ultimate purpose of this project is to focus on the research and design process to generate content for a well-designed and usable website. Our team selected the topic of eco tourism in Brazil. We needed to design and code a site which effectively delivers this content to the audience that our team identifies as the target audience. Including the homepage and footer we created 9 pages and a seperate style sheet using HTML and CSS. My contributions included coding 2 of the 9 pages as well as the footer. 
Course: Art 324 Web Design
Term: Fall 2018
Instructor: Lisa Moline
Project: Final Extravaganza, "Being Tamil"
This was my final project to create a website that demonstrates my mastery of the HTML and CSS technology and concepts behind design for the web, as well as create an inventive site and develop original content. I had the freedom, within some simple parameters, to develop my site's content and form as I like. Our guidelines were to explore meaning, content, concept and creativity. The topic I chose is close to me because it is my culture and identity. Being Tamil is a website to educate and enlighten viewers to the beautiful and rich Tamil culture.